Membership Categories

Geo Routes Institute NPO membership categories are as following:

Explore each membership benefits listed to the ‘Advantages’.

Regular Members: Individuals

Individuals 18+ years of age (Application form-1). Membership fees applies.

Regular members: Businesses, Associations, Bodies, Organizations

It refers to legal entities from the private or public sector (Application form-2). Membership fees applies.

Contributing members: Individuals

Individuals 18+ years of age (Application form-3). No membership fees applies.

This refers to volunteers interested in supporting the organization in the promotion, public relations, events’ planning etc.

Contributing membership is strictly valid for one calendar year. It can be extended for consecutive periods, subject to members’ proven contribution to the organization.

Honorary members

Individuals or legal entities that have contributed to the mission of the organization in exceptional way. No membership fees applies.

Honorary members are named by the President of the organization following to the approval of the Steering Committee.

Benefactors’ members

Individuals or legal entities that have contributed financially the organization in exceptional way. No membership fees applies for a period of 3 years.

Benefactors are named by the President of the organization following to the approval of the Steering Committee.